Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory |
Application: Payment of Registration Fee: |
Closed See below |
The application period is now closed.
We need to know when and how you will arrive to and depart from Sodankylä so that we can assist your travels. We will try to shuttle as many of you as possible from Rovaniemi railway station to Sodankylä.
Also, if you are planning on staying at a hotel (see the Accommodation page), be aware that some of the hotels do not have overnight reception, thus we will need to make sure you can get a key if you arrive late!
Because Rovaniemi airport will be closed in July (due to the renewal of the runway), we strongly encourage participants to fly to Helsinki and come to Rovaniemi by train. The timetable of trains for which we will organise shuttles will be disclosed soon, and the selected participants will be informed by email.
Flying to any of the airports in Lapland (e.g., Kittilä, Ivalo) is not advised, as Sodankylä is badly connected to those places with public transports, and we cannot organise any shuttle from/to these airports.
Sorry, there will be no registration fee this time. A big thank you goes to the EISCAT Scientific Association for sponsoring the school!