Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory

RFsTomo1 ionospheric tomography receivers

Nurmijärvi (FMI)

The last beacons satellites ePoP Cassiope and DSMP-F15 used for the ionospheric tomography on polar regions are not in operation anymore. The receivers are still ready to go and monitor the RFI of the receiving band.

Kiruna and Oulu were first installed RFsTomo1 ionospheric tomography receivers outside Tähtelä observatory area in June-July 2017. New RFsTomo1Receivers are manufactured by RF-Shamaanit Oy in SGO's RLAB project (European Union's European Regional Development Fund).

Latest plots are updated once per hour and they are used to check quality of the signals at the receiver stations. Quick-look plots of the tomography analysis 2003-2016 can be found from here.

Last modified: 03 September 2021, 10:02:08.

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