Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory |
(Updated every 5 minutes)
SOD from SGO SKY-i network | UCL's colour camera in Sodankylä | Abisko EMCCD imager |
(Updated twice a minute) | (Updated every 2 minutes) | (Updated every 5 minutes) |
Note: Measurements in UTC time. Local time in Finland is UTC+2 h (normal) or UTC+3 h (in summer).
Data from Aurora Eurotech Cloud Sensor next to UCL dome at SOD. Clarity=SkyT-SensorT.
Sodankylä SKY-i
Note: Measurements in UTC time. Local time in Finland is UTC+2 h (normal) or UTC+3 h (in summer).
Please refer to SGO's Data Licence regarding the use of these images.
Last modified: 2021-09-02, 08:07:29.