Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory

Geomagnetic data products:

Available online since


Near RealTime Data Sources:Data type
10s Realtime Data (SGO server, IMAGE RealTime)numeric/plots
10s Premilinary Data (SGO server, IMAGE)1996numeric and plots
1-min Premilinary Data (INTERMAGNET)1991numeric and plots
1s data samples from PSM (EMMA)2012numeric and plots
Daily Data:Data type
INTERMAGNET 1-min Preliminary/Definitive Data1991-01-01numerical
Sodankylä Magnetometer1995-01-01graphic
Finnish Magnetometers, SOD, OUJ, HAN, NUR1995-01-01graphic
Sodankylä 1 min data (format)1980-01-01ASCII
Monthly Data:
Hourly mean values (old WDC-format) 1914-01-01ASCII
Daily and monthly mean values (format) 1914-01-01ASCII
K-index, HDZ comp. (format)1968-01-01ASCII
Q-index (format)1957-01-01 ASCII
Selected period (from date to date):
Hourly mean values (old WDC-format) 1914-01-01ASCII
K-index, HD comp. (format)1914-01-01ASCII
Other products:
Annual means
Special Geomagnetic events (SC,Pc4-Pc5)2011-01-01PDF
Geomagnetic pulsations (Pc1-Pc3)1995-06-01plots and numerical
Last 3 months geomagnetic activitygraphical
Quartal Geomagnetic Activity plots2006-01-01PDF

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NOTE: Our data are available free of charge for scientific and educational purposes. If our data are used for scientific publications, we require you to contact us in order to discuss under which conditions our data can be published, i.e. whether an acknowledgment of the Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory in your paper is sufficient or whether we require co-authorship. For detailed access to additional data, please contact our office or the observer in charge.
See the detailed data licence.

Last modified: 2024-06-17, 21:43:16.