MeteorHeight_2008_2020.txt (Figure 3) SGO SKiYMET height of meteor detection, V <=100 m/s, el >= 30 deg. Daily medians, quartiles, and octiles; Number of detections; Hours of operation in the day Year Month Day L_octile L_quartile Median U_quartile U_oct Number hours AverDailyHistogr.txt (Figure 5) The 11-years composite histograms representing averaged height distribution for each day of year Height, km: Day of year; Daily meteor count at given height (Height ± 0.5 km), median over years 2009-2019 NonSpecular.txt (Figure 8) Daily median height and quartiles for non-specular long-lived and others meteor trails, averaged over years 2009-2019 Non-specular echo is defined if ratio of median amplitude at (-1:-0.5)s before automated meteor detection to that at (0.5:3)s after is larger than 1.2 Others are "sp" 1 Month 2 Day 3 Number of days when data are available 4 Mean number of specular detections in day 5 Mean number of LLNS detections in day 6 Low quartile height of specular detections for the day 7 Median height of specular detections for the day 8 Upper quartile height of specular detections for the day 9 Low quartile height of LLNS detections for the day 10 Median height of LLNS detections for the day 11 Upper quartile height of LLNS detections for the day