Tunnuskuva Laitoksen valintaperustainen julkaisuraportti

PL 8000
90014 Oulu
Yksikkö: Sodankylän geofysiikan observatorio
Huomioi myös alemmat organisaatiot: Kyllä
Vuosi: 2011
Referee: Kyllä, ei
Julkaistu: Suomessa, ulkomailla
Huomioi vain jos ensimmäisenä organisaationa: Ei

Tieteellinen aikakauslehti
Calisto, M., I. Usoskin, E. Rozanov, and T. Peter (2011) Influence of Galactic Cosmic Rays on atmospheric composition and dynamics. - Atmospheric chemistry and physics 11, 4547–4556. http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/11/4547/2011/acp-11-4547-2011.html
Calisto, M.; Usoskin, I.; Rozanov, E.; Peter, T. (2011) Influence of galactic cosmic rays on atmospheric composition and temperature. - Atmospheric chemistry and physics discussions 11, 653-679. http://www.atmos-chem-phys-discuss.net/11/653/2011/acpd-11-653-2011.html
Enell, C.-F.; Hedin, J.; Stegman, J.; Witt, G.; Friedrich, M.; Singer, W.; Baumgarten, G.; Kaifler, B.; Hoppe, U.-P.; Gustavsson, B.; Brändström, U.; Khaplanov, M.; Kero, A.; Ulich, Th. and Turunen, E. (2011) The Hotel Payload 2 campaign: Overview of NO, O and electron density measurements in the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere. - Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics 73, 2228-2236. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1364682611000022
I. G. Usoskin, G. A. Kovaltsov, I. A. Mironova, A. J. Tylka, and W. F. Dietrich (2011) Ionization effect of solar particle GLE events in low and middle atmosphere. - Atmospheric chemistry and physics 11, 1979-1988. http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/11/1979/2011/acp-11-1979-2011.html
Kozlovsky, Alexander; Shalimov, Sergey; Koustov, Alexander; Lukianova, Renata; Turunen, Tauno (2011) Dependence of spectral width of ionospheric F region HF echoes on electric field. - Journal of geophysical research 116 (A07302), 1-6. http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2011/2011JA016804.shtml
L. Roininen, M. Lehtinen, S. Lasanen, M. Orispää, M. Markkanen (2011) Correlation priors. - Inverse problems and imaging 5 (1), 167 - 184
L. Sangalli, N. Partamies, M. Syrjäsuo, C.-F. Enell, K. Kauristie, S. Mäkinen (2011) Performance study of the new EMCCD-based all-sky cameras for auroral imaging. - International Journal of remote sensing 32 (11), 2987-3003
L. Zhang, K. Mursula, I. Usoskin, and H. Wang (2011) Global analysis of active longitudes of sunspots. - Astronomy and astrophysics 529, A23
Lukianova, Renata; Kozlovsky, Alexander (2011) IMF By effects in the plasma flow at the polar cap boundary. - Annales Geophysicae 29 (7), 1305–1315. http://www.ann-geophys.net/29/1305/2011/angeo-29-1305-2011.html
Martini D.; Orispää M.; Ulich T.; Lehtinen M.; Mursula K.; Lee D.-H. (2011) Kalman filter technique for defining solar regular geomagnetic variations: Comparison of analog and digital methods at Sodankylä Observatory. - Journal of geophysical research 116 (6)
Mavromichalaki, H.; Papaioannou, A.; Plainaki, C.; Sarlanis, C.; Souvatzoglou, G.; Gerontidou, M.; Papailiou, M.; Eroshenko, E.; Belov, A.; Yanke, V.; Fluckiger, E.O.; Butikofer, R.; Parisi, M.; Storini, M.; Klein, K.-L.; Fuller, N.; Seigies, C.T.; Rother, O.M.; Heber, B.; Wimmer-Schweingruber, R.F.; Kudela, K.; Strharsky, I.; Langer, R.; Usoskin, I.; Ibragimov, A.; (2011) Applications and usage of the real-time Neutron Monitor Database. - Advances in Space Research 47, 2210-2222
Mishev A.L. and Velinov P.I.Y. (2011) Normalized ionization yield function for various nuclei obtained with full Monte Carlo simulations. - Advances in Space Research 48, 19-24
Mitterbauer, U., Behm, M., Brückl, E., Lippitsch, R., Guterch, A., Keller, G.R., Kozlovskaya, E., Rumpfhuber, E.-M., Šumanovac, F. (2011) Shape and origin of the East-Alpine slab constrained by the ALPASS teleseismic model. - Tectonophysics 510, 195-206. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0040195111002691
Mursula, K., D. Marsh, D. Nandy, I. Usoskin (2011) A review of Space Climate and an introduction to the papers of the JASTP special issue on Space Climate. - Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics 73, 179-181
N.G. Kleimenova, O.V. Kozyreva, J. Manninen, T. Raita, T.A. Kornilova, I.A. Kornilov (2011) High-Latitude Geomagnetic Disturbances during the Initial Phase of a Recurrent Magnetic Storm (from February 27 to March 2, 2008). - Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 51 (6), 730-740
Pacini, A.A., I.G. Usoskin, H. Evangelista, E. Echer, R. de Paula (2011) Cosmogenic isotope 7Be: A case study of depositional processes in Rio de Janeiro in 2008–2009. - Advances in Space Research 48 (5), 811-818. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0273117711003085
Semeniuk, K., V. I. Fomichev, J. C. McConnell, C. Fu, S. M. L. Melo, and I.G. Usoskin (2011) Middle atmosphere response to the solar cycle in irradiance and ionizing particle precipitation. - Atmospheric chemistry and physics 11, 5045-5077. http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/11/5045/2011/acp-11-5045-2011.html
Usoskin, I.G. (2011) Cosmic rays and climate forcing. - Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana 82, 937-942. http://sait.oat.ts.astro.it/MSAIt820411/PDF/2011MmSAI..82..937U.pdf
Usoskin, I.G., G.A. Bazilevskaya, and G.A. Kovaltsov (2011) Solar modulation parameter for cosmic rays since 1936 reconstructed from ground-based neutron monitors and ionization chambers. - Journal of geophysical research 116
Vaquero, J.M., M.C. Gallego, I.G. Usoskin, G.A. Kovaltsov (2011) Revisited sunspot data: A new scenario for the onset of the Maunder minimum. - Astrophysical Journal Letters 731, L24
Vieira, L.E.A., S.K. Solanki, N.A. Krivova, and I.G. Usoskin (2011) Evolution of the solar irradiance during the Holocene. - Astronomy and astrophysics 531
Vierinen Juha-Pekka (2011) Fractional baud-length coding. - Annales Geophysicae 29, 1189-1196. http://www.ann-geophys.net/29/1189/2011/
Zhang, L., K. Mursula, I.G. Usoskin, H. Wang (2011) Global analysis of active longitudes of solar X-ray flares. - Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics 73, 258-263
A. Kero, C.-F. Enell, L. Roininen, Th.Ulich, E. Turunen, I. Häggström, P. T. Verronen, S.-M. Salmi (2011) Anomalous variations in the quiet daytime D-region ionosphere during the 1-year IPY experiment at the EISCAT Svalbard Radar. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - 3rd HEPPA 2011, Book of Abstracts. Manuel López Puertas. 13. http://heppa2011.iaa.es/FCKeditor/UserFiles/File/abstracts.pdf
A. Seppälä, M. A. Clilverd, Th. Ulich, C.-F. Enell, A. Kero, D. Marsh, C. J. Rodger, E. Rozanov, T. Egorova, P.T. Verronen, S.-M. Salmi, E. Turunen (2011) ISSI project: Geospace Coupling to Polar Atmosphere. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - 3rd HEPPA 2011, Book of Abstracts. Manuel López Puertas. 60. http://heppa2011.iaa.es/FCKeditor/UserFiles/File/abstracts.pdf
Andrew Collier, Janos Lichtenberg, Mark Clilverd, Balazs Heilig, Massimo Vellante, Jyrki Manninen, Craig Rodger, Anders Jørgensen, Jan Reda, Robert Holzworth, and Reiner Friedel (2011) PLASMON: Data assimilation of the Earth's plasmasphere. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - Abstracts of XXX URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of International Union of Radio Science. Erdem Yazgan and Orhan Arıkan
Antti Kero, Carl-Fredrik Enell, Esa Turunen, Ingemar Häggström, and Pekka Verronen (2011) The high-latitude D-region ionosphere as seen by the EISCAT Svalbard continuous 1-year IPY radar experiment. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - Geophysical Research Abstracts. EGU General Assembly 2011. http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2011/EGU2011-10624-2.pdf
Antti Kero, Carl-Fredrik Enell, Lassi Roininen, Thomas Ulich, Esa Turunen, Ingemar Haggstrom, Pekka T. Verronen, and Sanna-Mari Salmi (2011) The D-region ionosphere during the solar minimum as seen by the EISCAT Svalbard continuous 1-year IPY radar experiment. (Artikkeli tieteellisessä konferenssijulkaisussa). - Proceedings of the XXXth URSI General Assembly in Istanbul. URSI General Assembly. http://www.ursi.org/proceedings/procGA11/ursi/G03-10.pdf
Antti Kero, Enrico Arnone, Anne K Smith, Carl-Fredrik T Enell (2011) Sprite NOx perturbations in the WACCM climate-chemistry model. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - 2011 AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 5-9, San Francisco, US. AGU
Antti Kero, Enrico Arnone, Lassi Roininen, Carl-Fredrik Enell, Craig J Rodger, Fernanda São Sabbas (2011) Statistical evidence of the chemical changes in the middle atmosphere related to thunderstorm activity. (Artikkeli tieteellisessä konferenssijulkaisussa). - EOS, TRANSACTIONS AMERICAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION. Christina M. S. Cohen, Carol A. Stein. SA12A-04. http://www.agu.org/cgi-bin/SFgate/SFgate?language=English&verbose=0&listenv=table&application=ja10&transquery=kero&_lines=&multiple=0&descriptor=%2fdata%2fepubs%2fwais%2findexes%2fja10%2fja10%7c696%7c3290%7cStatistical%7cHTML%7clocalhost:0%7c%2fdata%2fepubs%2fwais%2findexes%2fja10%2fja10%7c8123204%208126494%20%2fdata2%2fepubs%2fwais%2fdata%2fja10%2fja10.txt
Antti Kero, Ilkka Virtanen, Juha Vierinen, Georg Teiser, Markus Rapp, Ian McRea (2011) Seeking meteor smoke signatures in the incoherent scattering. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - The 4thIThe 4th IAGA/ICMA/CAWSES-II TG4 Workshop on Vertical Coupling in the Atmosphere-Ionosphere System. P. Koucka Knizova. 30. http://www.ufa.cas.cz/html/conferences/workshop_2011/view_abstract.php?clovek=84
C. Straub, K. Hocke, N. Kämpfer, P. Hoffmann, W. Singer, K. Hallgren, P. Hartogh, Th. Ulich (2011) The Sudden Stratospheric Warming 2010 over the European Arctic region observed by ground based measurements of the Mesosphere/Mesopause region. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - EGU General Assembly 2011. -. Geophysical Research Abstracts 13. EGU2011-7998. http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2011/EGU2011-7998.pdf
Clilverd, M. A., C. J. Rodger, P. T. Verronen, A. Seppälä, E. Turunen, C.-F. Enell, Th.Ulich, J. Tamminen (2011) Atmospheric signatures of REP. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - 3rd HEPPA 2011, Book of Abstracts. Manuel López Puertas. 27. http://heppa2011.iaa.es/FCKeditor/UserFiles/File/abstracts.pdf
Enrico Arnone, Anne K. Smith, Antti Kero, and Bianca M. Dinelli (2011) Climate-chemistry model sensitivity to sprite-induced chemical perturbations. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - Geophysical Research Abstracts. EGU General Assembly 2011. http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2011/EGU2011-11778.pdf
Esa Turunen, Ingemar Häggström, Antti Kero, Carl-Fredrik Enell, Pekka T. Verronen, Sanna-Mari Salmi (2011) Enhanced Mesospheric NO Detected by the EISCAT Svalbard Radar During the Continuous 1-year IPY Experiment. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - AOGS2011 Abstracts. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society
Gopalswamy, N., H. Xie, S. Akiyama, P. Mäkelä, S. Yashiro, I. Usoskin (2011) Heliocentric Distance of CMEs at the Time of Energetic Particle Release: Revisiting the Ground Level Enhancement Events of Solar Cycle 23. (Artikkeli tieteellisessä konferenssijulkaisussa). - Proc. 32st Internat. Cosmic Ray Conf.. Hesheng Chen. Beijing, IHEP
Jyrki Manninen and Tauno Turunen (2011) Size and movement estimates of exit point regions of magnetospheric VLF emissions using ground-based VLF recordings. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - Abstracts of IUGG 2011 Melbourne. Organising committee of IUGG 2011
Jyrki Manninen and Tauno Turunen (2011) New type of diffuse VLF emissions observed on the ground in Northern Finland. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - Abstracts of IUGG 2011 Melbourne. Organising committee of IUGG 2011
Jyrki Manninen, M. Parrot, N.G. Kleimenova, O.V. Kozyreva, T. Raita, and T. Turunen (2011) Simultaneous occurrence of the night and daytime VLF chorus based of the Finland ground and Demeter satellite data: case study 01 March 2008. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - Abstracts of 2nd International Demeter Workshop. Organising committee of 2nd International Demeter Workshop
Jyrki Manninen, N. Kleimenova, O. Kozyreva, T. Raita, and M. Parrot (2011) Night-time ground-based VLF missions in the magnetic storm on 27 Feb - 3 Mar 2008. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - Abstracts of IUGG 2011 Melbourne. Organising committee of IUGG 2011
Kozlovskaya Elena and POLENET/LAPNET Working Group (2011) Studying glacial seismic events from Greenland in the POLENET/LAPNET experiment during the IPY 2007-2009. (Artikkeli tieteellisessä konferenssijulkaisussa). - XXV Geofysiikan päivät Oulussa 11-12.05.2011. Pertti Kaikkonen, Kari Kaila, Toivo Korja, Elena Kozlovskaya, Kari Moisio ja Markku Pirttijärvi. Oulu, Geofysiikan seura. 59-61. https://wiki.oulu.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=23271359
Kozlovskaya Elena and POLENET/LAPNET Working Group Team (2011) Analysis of glacial seismic events from Greenland recorded by the POLENET/LAPNET experiment during the IPY 2007-2009. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 13, EGU General Assembly 2011. European Geoscience Union. Geophysical Research Abstracts 13. Göttingen, Germany, Copernicus, European Geoscience Union. EGU2011-8322
Kozlovskaya Elena, Kozlovsky Alexander and POLENET/LAPNET Working Group Team (2011) Problem of misinterpretation of geomagnetic pulsations recorded by broadband seismometers as seismic signals: possible solutions. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 13, EGU General Assembly 2011. European Geoscience Union. Geophysical Research Abstracts 13. Göttingen, Germany, Copernicus, European Geoscience Union. EGU2011-12765
Kozlovsky, A.; Lukianova, R. (2011) Inter-hemispheric asymmetry in the ionospheric convection and field-aligned currents controlled by the IMF By. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - XXV IUGG General Assembly, 28 June - 7 July 2011, Melbourne, Australia. IUGG
Kozlovsky, Alexander (2011) EISCAT radar studies of the high-latitude auroral arcs. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - XXV IUGG General Assembly, 28 June - 7 July 2011, Melbourne, Australia. IUGG
McKay-Bukowski, D., and the KAIRA Project Team (2011) KAIRA - Kilpisjärvi Atmospheric Imaging Receiver Array. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - Geophysical Research Abstracts. -, EGU. EGU2011-13062. http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2011/EGU2011-13062.pdf
McKay-Bukowski, D. and the KAIRA Project Team (2011) Lateral Thinking - Sharing Technology Across Disciplines. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - EGU General Assembly 2011. EGU. Geophysical Research Abstracts 13, EGU. EGU2011-13106. http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2011/EGU2011-13106.pdf
Rodger, C. J., M. A. Clilverd, A. Seppälä, N. R. Thomson, R. J. Gamble, M. Parrot, J.-A. Sauvaud, Th.Ulich (2011) Radiation belt electron precipitation due to geomagnetic storms: significance to middle atmosphere ozone chemistry. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - 3rd HEPPA 2011, Book of Abstracts. Manuel López Puertas. 25. http://heppa2011.iaa.es/FCKeditor/UserFiles/File/abstracts.pdf
S. A. Starodubtsev, V. G. Grigoryev, I. G. Usoskin, K. Mursula (2011) Arrival of an Interplanetary Shocks at the Earth: a Real-Time Forecast Based on ACE Spacecraft Data. (Artikkeli tieteellisessä konferenssijulkaisussa). - Proc. 32st Internat. Cosmic Ray Conf.. Hesheng Chen. Beijing, IHEP
Usoskin, I.G., G. A. Kovaltsov, I. A. Mironova (2011) Numerical model of cosmic ray induced ionization in the atmosphere CRAC:CRII. (Artikkeli tieteellisessä konferenssijulkaisussa). - Proc. 32st Internat. Cosmic Ray Conf., Beijing, China. Hesheng Chen. Beijing, IHEP
Usoskin, I.G., G.A. Bazilevskaya, G. A. Kovaltsov, (2011) Solar modulation of cosmic rays since 1936: Neutron monitors and balloon-borne data. (Artikkeli tieteellisessä konferenssijulkaisussa). - Proc. 32st Internat. Cosmic Ray Conf.. Hesheng Chen. Beijing, IHEP
Virtanen, Ilkka; Vierinen, Juha; Lehtinen, Markku; Orispää, Mikko (2011) Lag profile inversion and plasma parameter estimation for EISCAT_3D: present status and future plans. (Abstrakti (Ei KOTAan)). - Proceedings of the 15th EISCAT International Workshop, Qingdao, China, 5-9 September 2011. NA. 88
Kozlovskaya Elena (2011) Ydinvoimalatonttien seismiset tutkimukset puutteellisia. - Kaleva 25.07.2011

Tieteellinen erillisteos
Tero Raita and Johannes Kultima (2011) Magnetic Results : Sodankylä 2009. - Sodankylä geophysical observatory publications 105. Oulu, University of Oulu. 41. http://herkules.oulu.fi/isbn9789514293603/

Kaikki Referoidut Muut Referoidut/Suomi Muut/Suomi Referoidut/Ulkomaat Muut/Ulkomaat
Artikkeli 53 22 31 0 2 22 29
Tieteellinen aikakauslehti 23 21 2 0 0 21 2
Muu aikakauslehti 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kokoomateos 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Konferenssijulkaisu 29 1 28 0 1 1 27
Luku oppikirjassa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sanomalehti 1 0 1 0 1 0 0
Erillisteos 1 0 1 0 1 0 0
Tieteellinen erillisteos 1 0 1 0 1 0 0
Muu erillisteos 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Toimitettu julkaisu jossa omaa tekstiä 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Opinnäyte 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Patentti ja muu suojattu keksintö 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Myönnetty patentti 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tietokoneohjelma 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Audiovisuaalinen tuote 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Radio- ja tv-ohjelma 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Muu tallenne 0 0 0 0 0 0 0